Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Burke's call for same-sex feedback

Posted to Waverley Leader (24/11/2011) on 29/11/2011 at 10:23 PM, 30/11/2011 at 10:26 PM
Commenting on YOUR SAY: Burke's call for same-sex feedback

Same sex marriage contradicts what modern human race believes in - back to nature and grows things organic! We don't need GM or laboratory grown living things. Why are human race moving forward in the wrong direction!

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Kingsway Chaos

Posted to Waverley Leader (29/11/2011) on 29/11/2011 at 9:55 PM
Commenting on "Kingsway Chaos"

I am not scare mongering about the potential harm that could happen in the region if planning was not well thought out, allowing perceived city prosperity came before social harmony.

The brawl outside the Glen Waverley karaoke club at 3 am 20/11/2011 that left six people injured is just the start. Glen Waverley may be considered fairly affluent, and the good image can be tarnished easily in the future if drug traffickers use these commercial and entertainment venues to prey on the patrons and thugs start to claim their turfs.

It is most unfortunate that some cities in Melbourne metropolitan suffer from such fate and no solutions are in sight!

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Paying for privacy in Monash

Posted Posted to Waverley Leader (22/11/2011) on 22/11/2011 at 1:04 AM
Commenting on "Paying for privacy in Monash"

It's probably cheaper to build a "small" Great Wall of China as a barrier than the stupid curtain. As a ratepayer I would like to know which company has the contract to build it. At that cost, probably Monash can outsource to a factory in China for less than 25% of the original budget.

The move to install the curtain is a bad precedence, and I can see all future toilets in public places and offices will be renovated to have taps and hosts to cater for those who use their hands instead of toilet paper, after they have discharged their business, for religious reason. That is not a fiction - the new Melbourne Women's Hospital wasted a lot of money to fix the problem after the management discovered the toilets of the newly built hospital were forever wet.