Sunday, 22 January 2012

Will illegal DVDs be sold during Chinese New Year celebration again?

Posted to Your News, Waverley Leader on 22/1/2012 at 4:17 AM (Not published by Newspaper)
Title: Will illegal DVDs be sold during Chinese New Year celebration again?

I attended the CNY celebration last year, and there were several stalls selling non-original, copied DVDs. The incident was reported to the duty police officer but no action was taken.

Just a few days ago, one of the world's largest file-sharing sites has been shut down in US, and its founder and several company executives charged with violating piracy laws. Are these Monash traders not violating the piracy and copyright laws?

I would like to see that these traders be prosecuted for violating the laws. Although City of Monash does not have the jurisdiction to prosecute the offenders, but the City do have the obligation to stop these people selling items in breach of the law, no difference from paddling drugs in the Monash precinct.

I am writing this and put the City on notice before the coming event, to be held on 5 February.

Please do not publish my name.

Chinese New Year set to begin this weekend

Posted to Whitehorse Leader (20/1/2012) on 22/1/2012 at 3:01 AM
Commenting on "Chinese New Year set to begin this weekend"

I firmly believe that all the promotions were misleading, because the event lacked the atmosphere of a Chinese New Year celebration. There were no banners, buntings, lanterns or posters to depict the event. The traditional Chinese New Year songs or music were not played, and some youngsters were having fun “singing” anything except Chinese songs on the stage.

My wife and I did check out the night market / food stalls, and walked away unimpressed. It was a total let down. There were several real estate / investment stalls, souvenir stalls selling items not related to the year of the dragon, colleges trying desperately to gain an enrolment or two, a Liberal Party member giving out balloons, a couple of religious and related stalls, and no less than four DVD stalls selling pirated and non-original production DVDs.