Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Chisholm MP Anna Burke is new Speaker

Posted to Waverley Leader (10/10/2012) on 10/10/2012 at 12:52 PM
Commenting on "Chisholm MP Anna Burke is new Speaker"

It has nothing to do with whether Anna Burke MP is a female or a Labor Party member; I am indeed very excited to see her occupying the seat as the Speaker of the House of Representatives. I have watched her performance on television parliamentary broadcast, and she has been doing a very good job. She has the firmness of Peter Slipper (politically speaking) and the gentile side of Harry Jenkins ("quietly" speaking).

PS I am not a member of any political party.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Think before you vote, urges council body

Posted to Waverley Leader (8/10/2012) on 9/10/2012 at 10:06 PM
Commenting on "Think before you vote, urges council body"

I have been urging ratepayers to vote with their brain rather their heart. Helping a political mate to get into any government does not and will not benefit your wallet and wellbeing, unless the representative is genuine to get in there for the good of the people rather than his/her own ego and glory.

I don't just vote for the new contestants for the sake of change or their political stance. I vote for them if they can demonstrate to me, at least in their campaign literature or in person, that they have the desire to effect changes in the Council chambers in response to the needs of Monash ratepayers. They must have clear understanding about gambling, and unemployment issues and traders' concern in Monash, and continue to call for a safe solution for Clayton railway crossing.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Melbourne's suburban farmers

Posted to Waverley Leader (29/9/2012) on 4/10/2012 at 7:07 pm
Commenting on "Melbourne's suburban farmers"

For people living in suburbs like Glen Waverley, Springvale or Dandenong, prices for vegies and other food items are not as expensive as the inner city.

Hopping into a car to the shop for vegies is far more troublesome than going to own backyard or rooftop garden to harvest them.

Growing your own vegies and can be a pain if you are frequent interstate or overseas traveller. Who is going to water them while you are away? When you return, the soil will be hard like rock, even the soil is sandy loam or heavily mulched. Plants grown in the ground can seek out water from larger surround, but not in planter boxes or crates.

Growing on the concrete roof top can present a problem long term, because certain part may become water-logged due to water slippage from the planters and damage the concrete. Wooden crates can rot easily, and cost of replacement should be taken into consideration.

When you get a bumper harvest, it is also time for bumper harvest for the commercial vegies gardeners, which means the price will be at rock bottom.

What is the next move - cooking at home and not going out to the restaurants or food outlets, or making our own clothing?

Monash Ratepayers Association confident of taking seats

Posted to Waverley Leader (20/9/2012) on 4/10/2012 at 12:22 pm (Not yet published)
Commenting on "Monash Ratepayers Association confident of taking seats"

Go for it Des Olin and Chan Cheah. If you get elected, do something about the nonsensical approach in annual revenue budgeting - a blanket percentage increase each year. The increase is well above the annual CPI increase.

I have attended several Council meetings and read the budget reports; I have watched the performance of the Councillors, and I can only conclude that the word budget must as well be written in a foreign language.

Were the Councillors contributory to the debate or discussion on rating system changing from SV to CIV? Sad, but true - their response was sound of silence.