Monday, 26 May 2014

Manningham Councillor Jennifer Yang wins preselection for state seat of Mount Waverley

Posted to Waverley Leader (26/5/2014) on 26/5/2014 at 5:13 PM
Commenting on "Manningham Councillor Jennifer Yang wins preselection for state seat of Mount Waverley"

Am I cynical or just being naïve? During election time, ordinary candidates can turn into super heroes, looking after the interest of people in more than one city. Those MP's who stand for re-election can suddenly promise things that could not be done during their time in office be accomplished the next time round. Out of the blue, party leaders are able to find millions or billions of dollars to lure voters to put them in government. Come to think of it, is this a form of bribery that ICAC may be called upon to investigate?

Unfortunately, I have not come across a candidate that either has vision or specific enough to tell the voters what his / her real skill sets are and how these can be utilised and benefit the people in the council, state or Australia.

Once elected, many are promoted to their incompetence. They are just apprentices or rookies, learning on the job. Owing to such, many make mistakes and incorrect decisions that affect the lives and livelihood of ordinary people like me and millions of Australians. Many also lack people skill, which is in fact more than just hugging and kissing babies.

Chinese family to auction off the contents of their Templestowe French-Chateau style mansion including Chinese vases worth $120,000

Posted to Waverley Leader (23/5/2014) on 26/5/2014 at 5:43 PM
Commenting on "Chinese family to auction off the contents of their Templestowe French-Chateau style mansion including Chinese vases worth $120,000"

Money can't buy experience. It does not only apply to overseas or local buyers, Chinese or other races.

I have come across several bad agents who do not fill documents properly which can result in rescission of the authority or sales should the clients notice the inaccuracy and take advantage of it. Many buyers get too excited to sign on the dotted line without hesitation, which can end up buying a dud, or get into financial deep end.

Not all Victoria real estate laws are the same as interstate laws and international laws. The real sale contract is a legal document, and for a property transaction generally worth hundreds of thousands dollars, and in this case millions of dollars, buyers must either read through the faint (not fine) prints properly and understand the content, or consult a more professional agent or legal professional to go through the details. It is advisable NOT to let the salesperson to brush through any details and tell you that the "section" is irrelevant. The buyer decides whether it is relevant or otherwise. When in doubt, DO NOT sign there and then.

In recent days, there are agent representatives marketing residential property and commercial business who may not have been in the real estate industry long, but have the knack of communicating in the language of the buyers. They are achieving very good trade in the niche market. They provide extra services including how to get round loopholes for various reasons.

For some new rich, paying high price for a property is NOT for the property value - it is a status symbol, and show-off mentality.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Monash could become first metro council to ban smoking in outdoor dining areas

Posted to Herald Sun (Waverley Leader) 1/5/2014 on 6/5/2014 2:00 AM
Commenting on "Monash could become first metro council to ban smoking in outdoor dining areas"

So you think it is ok to dine outside cafe after smoking ban? Think again.

Many of the eating places, including those at Eaton Mall are close to roads for motor vehicles. The exhaust for these vehicles contains microscopic dangerous chemical particles harmful to the body. In addition to these is the filth and dust present in the air stirred up by the movement of vehicles and their frequent braking.

Many people suffer from various forms of illnesses without any known cause. They may be eating the so called healthy food, but may not be breathing in "healthy" air. I do not enjoy Alfresco dining as long as the surrounding is not enclosed. In fact, I choose not to dine at cafes or restaurants that leave their doors and external glass panel walls wide open.

Smoking ban will NOT kill businesses, but help prevent people from early death.