Posted to Your News, Waverley Leader on 25/11/2009 at 2:35 AM
Ban external heaters outside cafes
The outdoor heaters mounted on the “ceiling” or on a stand are wasteful of valuable energy. A lot of the heat is loss to heating up space not to the benefit of the customers and the pockets of the busines owners. At times, heaters are not turned off even when there were no customers. Let’s be serious about protecting our environment and slowly down climate change, ban the use of outdoor heaters. Customers should wear the proper clothing, and don’t be an idiot to eat in the cold!
Ban external heaters outside cafes
The outdoor heaters mounted on the “ceiling” or on a stand are wasteful of valuable energy. A lot of the heat is loss to heating up space not to the benefit of the customers and the pockets of the busines owners. At times, heaters are not turned off even when there were no customers. Let’s be serious about protecting our environment and slowly down climate change, ban the use of outdoor heaters. Customers should wear the proper clothing, and don’t be an idiot to eat in the cold!