Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Mulgrave Greens want tax review (Post 1 of 2)

Posted to Waverley Leader (16/11/2010) on 16/11/2010 at 9:45am
Commenting on "Mulgrave Greens want tax review"


John Janetzki, if stamp duty is cut, what will replace the revenue shortfall? I hope you are not another politician who specialises in policy-on-the-run, and knows nothing about costing.

Daniel Andrew, please explain a bit more clearly what "the tax needed to be viewed in context" really is in simple, easy to understand everyday ordinary people language. Not only stamp duty needs to be reviewed, but also land tax - which is another rip-off. Superficially Australia is in tip-top shape; this may be true for the banks and big corporations, but many small businesses will tell a different story.

Courtney Mann, what are you going to do about "a whole generation of families who are being priced out of the area" if you are concerned about this? Do you have any idea what the Liberal party's policy is, or hasn't the party any policy on this?