Thursday, 31 March 2011

Push for Dockland school

Posted to Melbourne Leader (28/3/2011) on 31/3/2011 at 3:08 AM
Commenting on “HAVE YOUR SAY: Push for Docklands school”

Where were the crystal ball "future" tellers cum town planners when they decided to turn Dockland into high density residential precinct? Were schools drawn on the plan? With so many children around, will there be enough open space, childcare facilities - this can't be as simple as ABC?

Can the roads and other infrastructure cope with 600% increase over the next 3 decades? With population increase, demand of water will be phenomenal, not only for drinking but also for toilet waste. The next complaint will be congestion, air pollution, noise pollution, stress related illnesses - did anyone say hospital?

With more and more high rise buildings, how many fire brigades are on the drawing board, or should there be an Elvis on standby? Dockland, another modern eye-sore!

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Overhaul for Cranbourne

Posted to Cranbourne Leader (23/3/2011) on 26/3/2011 at 2:10 AM
Commenting on “HAVE YOUR SAY: Overhaul for Cranbourne”

It is useless to have the most beautiful city if the residents don’t have time to enjoy it!

Unfortunately, many Councils draw up plans to beautify their cities on cosmetic level only. If the Casey Council can be more innovative, and think outside the square, making the city more “attractive” to business people and investors to conduct medium to large businesses in Cranbourne, that is to say, create more employment for the City, then the residents will not have to travel to inner suburbs to work, and hence can spend more of their disposable income and time to enjoy the City.

Just think about what I say!

Cranbourne methane estate residents to share $17.5m

Posted to Cranbourne Leader (25/3/2011) on 26/3/2011 at 1:50 AM
Commenting on “Cranbourne methane estate residents to share $17.5m”

Slater and Gordon’s share was a cool $3.9 million after all the costs incurred, or 16.6% of $23.5 million.

Since the Council can recover much of the $13.5 million, so the Mayor said, and we assume that to be 80% will come to $10.8 million. If the legal fee is at 16.6%, then the recovered amount will be reduced to $9 million.

What it means is that the Council will have to pay ($13.5 - $9) million, that is $4.5 million.

Where is the money coming from? Oh, no – it must be from my next rate valuation notice, where else!

Friday, 25 March 2011

Yarra traders fume over smoking bans

Posted to Melbourne Leader (21/3/2011) on 25/3/2011 at 12:16 AM
Commenting on “HAVE YOUR SAY: Yarra traders fume over smoking bans”

I strong disagree with Peri's view that "If I am not enjoying the atmosphere I simply move seats. It's called tolerance." No, Peri, it is called apathy.

Unfortunately, most people in the society take the attitude that “it’s not my problem”, “has nothing to do with me”, “let someone worry about it” and “who cares?” We read about whingers, and hear their moaning and complaints, and yet they don’t take their grievances to the authority, customer relation departments, consumer affairs, etc. During election time, they close their eyes and their hearts and simply voted some good for nothing representatives in the council, state parliament or federal parliament. If everyone continues to live for his own self-interest, our social fabric will decline to a state of no return! We MUST intervene!

According to Food Standard 3.2.3, Div 2, Para 3(d), "The design and construction of food premises must to the extent that is practicable – exclude dirt, dust, fumes, smoke and other contaminants." That paragraph alone is more than sufficient to support the banning of smoking at outdoor café.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Debate rages over Monash "racism"

Posted to Waverley Leader (22/3/2011) on 23/3/2011 at 11:15 AM
Commenting on "Debate rages over Monash "racism""

The design of the preamble and the questions of a survey can greatly influence the way a surveyed candidate or respondent in making the decision.

Racism, whether real or perceived, is stemmed from suspicion, which in turn is the result of distinct differentiation and segregation from the norm or main stream population. Many immigrants hide behind the curtain of multiculturalism and expect to have special treatment or consideration. In almost all cases immigrants come to Australia are not by invitation, and they should be thankful that Australia open her hands to let them settle here for a better future. They should also be thankful that all who are ready here open their hearts and share this beautiful country for them to enjoy.

This is not a statement of immigrant bashing, because I am also an immigrant! I believe that the public is more sympathetic to indigenous Australians’ plight for equality than anti-indigenous. There have been 43 federal elections since 1901, and nothing much have been done by any government to improve the standard of living of the indigenous Australians.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Should Yarra Council ban outdoor smoking?”

Posted to Waverley Leader (16/3/2011) on 19/3/2011 at 1:46 AM
Commenting on “HAVE YOUR SAY: Should Yarra Council ban outdoor smoking?”

City of Monash should be praised for banning smoking in many public areas, but unfortunately the Monash Councillors were gutless to ban smoking in outdoor dining cafés / restaurants recently. It was said that "Monash-specific ban would be hard on traders and thinks that the cost is too great to implement it."

There will always be people who enjoy lighting up a cigarette inside or outside eating places, but there are a lot more who don’t. By promoting Yarra as a complete smoke-free zone for café, it can attract non-smokers coming to help improve the food business in the City.

It will be fantastic if Yarra is the first City to implement such policy in banning all outdoor dining.

Friday, 4 March 2011

Monash drops bid for smoke ban

Posted to Waverley Leader (1/3/11) on 3/3/2011 at 11:48 AM
Commenting on "Monash drops bid for smoke ban"

It is load of nonsense for Cr Stephen Dimopoulos to say a Monash-specific ban would be hard on traders and thinks that the cost is too great to implement it.

There will always be people who enjoy lighting up a cigarette inside or outside eating places, but there are a lot more who don’t. By promoting City of Monash as a complete smoke-free zone for café, we can attract non-smokers coming to help improve the food business in the City.

Unfortunately I disagree with Cr Geoff Lake trying to wash his hands clean by saying that "al fresco dining was something for the state government to tackle." City of Monash can introduce by-laws to overcome this problem. What’s wrong being the first City to implement such policy?