Posted to Waverley Leader (16/3/2011) on 19/3/2011 at 1:46 AM
Commenting on “HAVE YOUR SAY: Should Yarra Council ban outdoor smoking?”
City of Monash should be praised for banning smoking in many public areas, but unfortunately the Monash Councillors were gutless to ban smoking in outdoor dining cafés / restaurants recently. It was said that "Monash-specific ban would be hard on traders and thinks that the cost is too great to implement it."
There will always be people who enjoy lighting up a cigarette inside or outside eating places, but there are a lot more who don’t. By promoting Yarra as a complete smoke-free zone for café, it can attract non-smokers coming to help improve the food business in the City.
It will be fantastic if Yarra is the first City to implement such policy in banning all outdoor dining.