Tuesday, 28 February 2012

World comes calling to Chadstone Shopping Centre (Post 3 of 3)

Posted to Waveley Leader (28/2/2012) on 28/2/2012 at 12:19 PM
Commenting on "YOUR SAY: World comes calling to Chadstone Shopping Centre"


Obesity has been a main concern for health authority. Unfortunately, there will be more people gorging down the unhealthy fat-laden fast foods in air-conditioned comfort food courts.

The amount of energy to heat up or cool the unused space and void is phenomenal. While the world is talking about going green, such humongous development does not fit into the scheme of energy conservation. Obviously, the cost is passed on to the retailers, whose profit will be cut by the expenses. Many hopeful business operators will be virtually working for the complex owners / shareholders.

As a courtesy, I had approached the Chadstone complex once requesting permission to photograph the beautiful palm trees and architecture, but was declined by the Security department for security reason. I am surprised that I can take photographs in the airport outside the custom area, and yet I cannot do so at Chadstone shopping Centre. Is it wise for anyone to take the risk to go to places like Chadstone Shopping Centre in light of security? In short, I did ask why there was no signage to say that taking photograph was not permitted, but no answer was given!