Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Journey to raise poverty awareness

Posted to Waverley Leader (22/12/2012) on 19/3/2013 at 6:01 PM
Commenting on "Journey to raise poverty awareness"


If the concerts of 2006, 2007 and 2010 Make Poverty History were successful, why is there a need for another one in 2013? Poverty is not history, and never will be, and such bold claim is not dissimilar to the one made by Bob Hawke on June 23, 1987 at an election campaign launch. He boldly said that "by 1990 no Australian child will be living in poverty".

People living below poverty line are not just a number. It represents a hidden scenario; the immeasurable pain and suffering of the people and their loved ones. Many do-gooders pledge or donate to campaigns to help the financial needy, but only to find their hard-earn money lined the pockets of the unscrupulous organisers, or gone to the administration costs.

Campaigns to raise awareness and funds by getting the public to go on hunger for hours, or sleep-out in stadiums with minimum comfort are no more than simplistic and naïve publicity stunts, and the long term impact is no bigger than a drop in the poverty ocean.